
We promote charism by integrating our Catholic values into all aspects of school life, providing opportunities for spiritual growth, and fostering a sense of community-centred.

1. Integration of Catholic Values

We infuse Catholic teachings and values throughout the curriculum, creating a learning environment that reflects the charism of the religious order or tradition. This includes incorporating prayer, sacraments, and religious education into daily school life.

The Year 6 pupils created freeze frames of the Station of the Cross during our Lent service.

2. Emphasis on Spiritual Formation 

We prioritise the spiritual formation of our pupils, providing opportunities for prayer, reflection, and participation in Catholic traditions. This helps our pupils develop a personal relationship with God and deepen their understanding of the charism.

Prayer leaders leading prayer during lunchtimes.

3. Role Models/Mentors

Our staff, House Captains and Class Apostles serve as role models and mentors for our pupils. The staff provide guidance and support in living out the values and teachings of the Catholic faith.

House Captains

4. Service and Social Justice:

We encourage our pupils to serve others and actively promote social justice. This aligns with the charism of many religious orders, which emphasize the importance of serving those in need.

Cleaning up after the Macmillian coffee morning.

5. Sense of Community:

We foster a sense of community among pupils, parents, staff, and the wider parish community. Our school community helps to strengthen the charism by creating a supportive and faith-filled environment where the values and teachings of the Catholic faith can be lived out.

Celebrating the Harvest Liturgy as a community.