Our School | Admissions


Proposed Admission Policy 2026 / 2027

Proposed Admission Policy 2026/2027

Proposed Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2026/2027

Admission Check List 2026/2027

Catchment Map

Admissions 2024 / 2025 Reception

Applying for a school place at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School & Nursery in Reception 2024

If you would like to apply for a school place at Sacred Heart Primary School please apply to your Local Authority and complete the school’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF).  Please submit the school’s SIF directly to the school office, along with any supporting documents.

Applications can be made online with your Local Authority, or by calling the Admissions Team on 0300 123 4043 .

For more information please contact your Local Authority or call the School Office on 01923 901179.

Reception Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Supplementary Information Form 2024 – 2025

Catchment Map (557 downloads) Admissions-Checklist (519 downloads)


For Nursery Admissions please Click on the Nursery page. All the relevant documentation is on this page.

In Year Admissions 2023 / 2024 – Reception to Year 6

Admissions Policy 2023 – 2024

Supplementary Information Form 2023 – 2024

Admissions-Checklist (519 downloads)

Sacred Heart Admissions Policy 2025 / 2026 – Reception to Year 6

Admissions Policy 2025 – 2026

Supplementary Information Form 2025 – 2026

Admissions Check List

Catchment Map

Admission Appeals Timetable

Appeals service – Information for parents

Online Application Link

Admissions to the Reception Class:

At the beginning of the Autumn term, parents of eligible children will receive information from County. The County form must be completed online. The school’s Supplementary Information Form and the Certificate of Catholic Practice should be completed and handed in to Sacred Heart School at this time.

In January each year, all applications received for the school year starting in the following September will be considered by the Governors. Places in the Reception class will be allocated in accordance with the criteria. If the class is oversubscribed a continuing interest list will be kept. Offers of places will be sent out early in the Spring term and parents must accept the place within 14 days. Our admissions’ process runs alongside the County process and offers for all primary schools are sent out at the same time. Places declined at this stage will be offered in the order determined by the admissions criteria. Parents have the right of appeal if their request for a place for their child is refused.

It is school policy to admit pupils in September of the school year in which their fifth birthday occurs.

Admissions to Other Year Groups (In-Year Admissions):

For In-Year admissions please apply online at www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/admissions.  You will also need to complete the school’s SIF form (Supplementary Information Form) and return it to the School Office to ensure your application is considered under the correct criteria in our oversubscription criteria.  If a place is available and there is no waiting list, the child will be admitted. If there are more applications than places available, then applications will be ranked by the Governing Body in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.  If a place cannot be offered at this time then you may ask us for the reasons and you will be informed of your right of appeal.  You will be offered the opportunity of being placed on a continuing interest list. This list will be maintained by the Governing Body in the order of the oversubscription criteria and not in the order in which the applications are received. Names are removed from the list at the end of each academic year and applicants will need to re-apply at the end of the academic year to the Local Authority should they wish to continue to be considered for the next academic year. When a place becomes available, the Governing Body will decide which applicant meets the oversubscription criteria best and an offer will be made on our behalf by the Local Authority.


The current admission number for Reception is 45. Children are taught in classes of no more than 30, grouped by age.


In the event of the Governors refusing admission to Sacred Heart School, parents can exercise their right of appeal by writing to the Chairman of Governors. The appeal will be heard by an independent appeals board. The applicant will be able to present his/her case and can be accompanied by a friend or relative.