Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is based on the belief that God has a plan for creation, a plan to build his kingdom of peace, love and justice. It holds that God has a special plan for every single one of us, whoever we are. Our part in this plan is not just limited to things ‘spiritual’ or times when we do ‘religious things.’ It involves every aspect of our lives, from the things we pray about, to how we live as a responsible global citizen. Our part in this story is a kind-of vocation for the common good, a call to treat everyone as our brothers and sisters. It is something that we all share.

The Catholic Church has six main principles of Catholic Social Teaching that we share with our children through all that we do, through the curriculum, assemblies, special events and activity throughout the school year. We use Westminster’s ‘Rooted in Love’ and CAFOD resources to support our Catholic Social Teaching.

Click on each heading below to find out more about each principle.

Catholic Social Teaching

We teach the children that, as Catholics, we are called to serve by God.  Therefore, we teach our pupils the importance of serving others and promoting social justice.  By engaging in acts of service and advocating for those in need, pupils develop a sense of worth by understanding their ability to positively impact the world.  Each pupil has a crucial role in our school, holding our faith and social justice close to their hearts. We are advocates for social change, which Pope Francis has advocated as he invites us all to be Missionary Disciples of Christ.

Here are a few of the jobs the children have around the school:

Phase Catholic Social Teaching
Phase EYFSGardening Leaders
Phase 1/2Playtime Equipment Leaders
Phase 3/4Library Leaders & Litter Picker Leaders
Year 5Caritas Ambassadors
Year 6Play Leaders & Reception Buddies

There are also many other jobs that the children have, some of which are voted for by the other pupils and some which are selcted by the staff. These are listed below:

Catholic Social Teaching
House Captains
Class Apostles
Prayer Leaders
Eco Ambassadors
Digital Leaders
Book Monitors
Tidy Up Monitors
Line Monitors

At Sacred Heart, we strive to ensure that all our children recognise their important role in continuing Christ’s mission by promoting the Catholic Social Teachings, where together we call for a better, more just world. Our Caritas Ambassadors lead the way in school; they put their faith into action and are involved in charitable acts, aware of environmental issues as stewards of creation and promote love for their neighbours where people can live in peace and dignity.

Autumn Spring Summer
St Anne – Nursery Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to People Who Help US
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Easter Hunt for their class charity – Watford Hospital’s Children’s Ward
Fundraising for class charity – Watford Children’s Society
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Looking after Chicks, flowers and and plants
St Joseph – ReceptionCollecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to People Who Help US
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Pyjamas Mufti Day for their class charity – Save the Children
Fundraising for class charity – Save the Children
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Looking after butterflies, flowers and and plants
St Francis – ReceptionCollecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to People Who Help US
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Donating toys for their class charity – The Toy Project
Fundraising for class charity – The Toy Project
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Looking after butterflies, flowers and and plants
St Anthony – Year 1Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to Bushey Museum
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Fun Run for their class charity – The Heart Foundation
Fundraising for class charity – The Heart Foundation
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Singing songs to the local care home
St Cecilia – Year 1/2Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to Bushey Museum
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Completing an obstacle course for their class charity – Play Skills
Fundraising for class charity – Play Skills
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Singing songs to the local care home
St Therese – Year 2Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to Bushey Museum
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Dress to Express Mufti Day for their class charity – Place2Be
Fundraising for class charity – Place2Be
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Singing songs to the local care home
St Bernadette – Year 3Litter Picking
Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to Bushey Museum
Litter picking
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Animal Mufti Day for their class charity – The World Wildlife Fund
Fundraising for class charity – The Heart Foundation
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Volunteering at the school’s Big Tidy Up Saturday
St Peter – Year 3/4Litter Picking
Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to Bushey Museum
Litter picking
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Making and selling bird see bags for their class charity – Four Paws UK
Fundraising for class charity – Four Paws Uk
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Volunteering at the school’s Big Tidy Up Saturday
St Alphonsa – Year 4Litter Picking
Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Send Thank you Cards to Bushey Museum
Litter picking
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Charity Walk for their class charity – Cancer Research
Fundraising for class charity – Cancer Research
Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Volunteering at the school’s Big Tidy Up Saturday
All of Year 5Setting up lunchtime games for Infants
Leading Prayer Club for all phases
Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Leading Poppies Appeal
Volunteering at the Sacred Heart Church’s Macmillan Coffee Morning
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Leading the Samaritan Christmas Box Appeal
Leading the Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Running a Mary’s Meals Stall at the Christmas Bazaar
Delivering Christmas cards to the local community
Making Christmas Hampers for the Bushey Food Bank
Setting up lunchtime games for Infants
Leading Prayer Club for all phases
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
Leading and supporting classes with selecting their class charity and holding a fundraising event.
St Josephine Bakhita Year 5 – Making and selling a cookbook for their class charity – Make a Wish
St Padre-Pio Year 5/6 – Car Wash for their class charity – The Hertfordshire and Essex Air Ambulance
Setting up lunchtime games for Infants
Leading Prayer Club for all phases
Fundraising for class charity – Year 5 – Make a Wish, Year 5/6 – The Hertfordshire and Essex Air Ambulance
Leading Whole School Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Volunteering at the Summer School Fete
All of Year 6Welcome buddy with new Reception pupil
Collecting food for Bushey Food Bank at Harvest
Helping as Elf’s at the Christmas Bazaar
Christmas Elf Run for Mary’s Meals
Making Christmas Cards for the local community
Reading to Reception
Setting up lunchtime games for Infants
Mufti Day for CAFOD’s Emergency Fund
Collecting for Catholic Children’s Society
St Padre-Pio Year 5/6 – Car Wash for their class charity – The Hertfordshire and Essex Air Ambulance
St John Bosco Year 6 – Cake sale for their class charity – Make a Wish
Reading to Reception
Setting up lunchtime games for Infants
Fundraising for class charity – Year 5/6 – The Hertfordshire and Essex Air Ambulance, Year 6 – Make a Wish
Leading Whole School Fundraising for Mary’s Meals
Volunteering at the Summer School Fete